
Bank Offer Creation


To run an offer, the offer construct needs to be configured as well. There are two ways to achieve this construct configuration - DIY mode via Paytm Dashboard or through email to Support team. 


Option 1: DIY mode via Paytm Dashboard


The bank offers configuration through Paytm Dashboard is an option for the merchants to configure their bank offer campaigns in DIY (Do-It-Yourself) mode. In DIY mode:

  1. Merchants can create offer rules and can configure end-to-end campaigns through our merchant panel. 
  2. Merchant can control the campaign at the granular level and can define the rules which must be satisfied in order for user gratification to happen.
  3. Merchant can define the campaign rules, which a user must satisfy in order to get gratification. Additionally, merchants can manage campaigns anytime.
  4. Merchants can create Discount based / Amount based / Item based Bank offers and No Cost EMI Campaigns in DIY mode. 


For more information about DIY Offer Creation, refer to Create Offer Campaign document.


Option 2: Through email to Paytm Support


Offer constructs can be shared with KAMs and they can get the offer campaign configured through our backend.


Offer Configuration Parameters


Following are offer constructs/parameters required for configuring different types of offers:


Amount Based Offers


For configuring Amount based offers, the following parameters would be needed:

Gratification value  The offer amount being provided as cashback or discount
Gratification type The type of gratification - Cashback or discount 
Max Gratification In case of offers such as a 10% discount upto Rs 300, the maximum gratification cap can be mentioned
Min transaction Value  The minimum eligible transaction value for which the transaction becomes eligible for an offer
Max transaction Value The maximum eligible transaction value for which the transaction becomes eligible for an offer
Contribution The contribution of each of the contributors in the offer such as - brand, merchant, etc.
Payment Instruments Eg: EMI, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc & the banks with which the offer can be applied
Usability Conditions Rules applicable for the offers. Please refer here



SKU Based Offers


For the configuration of SKU-based offers, the SKU information has to be shared with the KAM. In the current offer configuration shared with the KAM, kindly share the SKUs on which the offer has to be created. For each SKU, share the brandId, categoryId, and model or productId against which the offer would be validated and applied.


The following parameters would be needed:


brand_id    Brand id of the product. Example: 12345. Please refer to the default brand_Ids here
category_id  Category id of the product. Example: 6789 Please refer to the default category_Ids here
product_id Product id/Model of the product. Example: MPUR3HN/A
Payment Instruments Example: EMI, Credit Card, Debit Card, etc & the banks with which the offer can be applied
Usability Conditions Rules applicable for the offers. Please refer here
Gratification value  The offer amount being provided as cashback or discount
Gratification type The type of gratification - Cashback or discount 
Max Gratification In case of offers such as a 10% discount upto Rs 300, the maximum gratification cap can be mentioned
Min transaction Value  The minimum eligible transaction value for which the transaction becomes eligible for an offer
Max transaction Value The maximum eligible transaction value for which the transaction becomes eligible for an offer
Contribution The contribution of each of the contributors in the offer such as - brand, merchant, etc.


 Note: For limiting offers on specific tenures of EMI, pass the tenures in the configuration request to the KAM.