

  1. You must have a merchant account on Paytm’s Merchant Dashboard. If you are a new merchant and want to create your account, follow these steps:


    a.) Create your account on the Merchant Dashboard. Once you login you can see the following screen



     Note: You can try out the Test Mode option.


    b.) Log into your Dashboard.


    c.) Select the API Keys under Developers on the left menubar.



    d.) Note down the Test Merchant ID and Merchant Key.


  2. Go through the checksum logic to understand how to generate and validate the checksum.
  3. For running bank offers, configure the offers by contacting your Paytm account manager or client management team. You can collect the data as explained in the section Bank Offers Creation and send the email with details to your account manager to contact us.
  4. For running EMI Subvention, get the EMI subvention plans configured for your products. You can collect the data as explained in the Configuration section of EMI subvention plans and send the email with details to your account manager or contact us.
  5. For JS Checkout-Bank Offers and All-in-One SDK-Bank Offers, apply the simplified bank offers on different Paytm instruments. Hereby, you can create your own payment experience using the JS Checkout flow and All-in-One SDK checkout flow respectively. Similarly, for Bank offers on Payment Links, you can use Payments Link flow. Thereafter, you can process payment via Paytm and configure the offers by contacting your account manager or contact us.
  6. Paytm will share the plan ids and offer details for the subvention plans configured for your MID.



    • JS Checkout: Set up the preferences and customization for the JS checkout if not done already. Please refer to the detailed steps mentioned in the Setting up Preferences and theme customization section of JS checkout.
    • Custom Checkout: Paytm will share the plan ids and offer details for the subvention plans configured for the Merchant MID.