
Refund Flow



Refunds can be initiated via AI Router APIs as well as our Merchant Dashboard. Further, both partial as well as full refunds can be made. 


Refund Type Via API Via Dashboard
Full Yes Yes
Partial Yes Yes


Refund via Dashboard


From the Merchant Dashboard, a merchant can select an order or a transaction and click on "Initiate Refund". It will show a pop-up window where the refund details need to be filled.



Alternatively, a merchant can also make a bulk refund using by downloading the CSV file and providing the required details.


Raise Direct Refund via Payments

Please follow the below steps to initiate a refund directly from the dashboard:- 


  1. Go to the payment section of the merchant dashboard
  2. Click on the transaction for which you would like to initiate the transaction
  3. A panel will open which will give a detailed view of the transaction. Click on Initiate Refund


  4. Once you click on Initiate Refund, the panel will show the 
    • Payment Amount: This is the total transactional amount 
    • Refunded Already: Through AI Router, you can also raise multiple partial refunds. This essentially means that if the transaction amount was Rs. 1000 and the user wants to raise a refund for say Rs. 700. Once this refund has been processed, Rs. 700 will be reflected in the Refunded Already section. 
    • Total Refund Allowed:
      • For any particular Order ID, if you are raising the refund for the first time, then the Total Refund Allowed will be equal to the Payment Amount. 
      • However, once you have done a partial refund, the Total Refund Allowed will reflect the remaining amount for which the refund could be raised. So in our above example, if the first refund has been raised for Rs.700, the next time you come to raise a refund, the Total Refund Allowed will now be Rs. 300 (Rs. 1000 - Rs.700) 

  5. You can enter the refund amount and proceed with the refund


     Note:  The system validates the value entered in the refund amount. In case the entered amount is greater than the total refund allowed, it will throw an error stating that the "Total Available Refund Amount" is less than the requested amount. 

  6. Once you Initiate the refund, a refund ID will be generated and the dashboard will show that the refund is under process. This is a unique ID that is generated for tracking each refund. 


  7. You can track this refund from the Refund section of the dashboard. Unless the refund has been fully processed by the bank, you will be able to see it under the Pending section. 
  8. Depending on the processing of the refund, it can move to the Success / Failure section at a later point. 


Refund via APIs


Refund Transaction Journey 

  1. User places a refund request on the merchant's app / browser. 
  2. Merchant's server will call the Refund API of the AI Router. Router validates the refund request against the original order. 
  3. Router then routes the refund request to the payment gateway through which the original order was placed. 
  4. At the same time, it sends a confirmation back to the merchant's app / browser that the refund request has been accepted. 
  5. The payment gateway will deduct the refund amount from the merchant's pending settlements and initiate a refund to the bank.
  6. Upon successful completion of the refund, the gateway will send back a response to the AI Router with the updated Refund Status. 
  7. Merchant can verify the final refund status by calling AI Router's Refund Status API in which case AI Router will return the latest refund status back to the merchant.