
JAVA SDK Integration

It is a client java library that provides an easy way to interact with the Paytm Mini App ecosystem.


This client provides the following features:

  • Auth Client - It enables merchant backend services to identify the user and gain access on user details/token. Merchant can use these details to identify a user in its system or can create a new one if doesn't exist. Following methods/APIs are supported:

    • Fetch Access Token
    • Fetch User Profile
  • MiniAppCommon Client - It exposes a few common functionalities which a merchant can use to interact with Paytm backend as:

    • Fetch OpenId
    • Send payment notification
    • Send pre-payment notification

Installation Guide


Java 1.7 or later.


Installing Mini Apps SDK with maven

  1. Add the below maven repository to your project's POM.
  2. Add the below maven dependency to your project's POM.
  3. Build and install locally by executing the command below:
    $ mvn install

SDK Code

Auth Client

try {
          HTTPServiceResponse&lt;OauthTokenResponse&gt; response = oauthClient.oauthToken(oauthTokenRequest, null);
       } catch (MiniAppClientException ex) {
         ErrorResponse errorResponse = ex.getError();
         Integer errorCode = ex.getErrorCode();
// User Profile
// Create fetch user profile request
    UserProfileRequest userProfileRequest = new UserProfileRequest
                                                .setScopeCode("<received from fetch access token api response: access_token>")
   try {
          HTTPServiceResponse<OAuthUserProfile> response = oAuthClient.v2UserProfile(userProfileRequest);
       } catch (MiniAppClientException ex) {
         ErrorResponse errorResponse = ex.getError();
         Integer errorCode = ex.getErrorCode();

MiniApp Common Client

// Configuring MiniApp Common client.
/*To create HttpClientProperties, 4 parameters are required
        *  1. socketTimeout - Integer
        *  2. connectionTimeout - Integer
        *  3. connectionRequestTimeout - Integer
        *  4. hostUri - String
        *  5. maxConnectionPerRoute - Integer (optional: default value is 5)
        *  4. 6. maxTotalConnections - Integer (optional: default value is 10)
        * */
        HttpClientProperties httpClientProperties = new HttpClientProperties

        MiniAppCommonClient commonClient = MiniAppCommonClient.getInstance(httpClientProperties,"<Auth Client ID received on onboarding>");
  • Example of Fetch Open Id

PartnerOpenIdRequest partnerOpenIdRequest = new PartnerOpenIdRequest("<received from fetch access token api response: access_token>");
    try {
        HTTPServiceResponse<PartnerOpenIdResponse>; response = commonClient.getPartnerOpenId(partnerOpenIdRequest);
    } catch (MiniAppClientException ex) {
        ErrorResponse errorResponse = ex.getError();
        Integer errorCode = ex.getErrorCode();
  • Example of Send Payment Notification

Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap();
    payload.put("name", "<name>");
    payload.put("vertical", "<vertical>");
    payload.put("url", "<url>");
    PartnerNotificationRequest request = new PartnerNotificationRequest.Builder()
            .setMid("<merchant mid received on onboarding>")
            .setOpenId("<received from fetch open id>")
            .setOrderId("<paytm order id received after placing order>")
            .setTemplateName("<notification template name received on onboarding>").build();
    try {
        HTTPServiceResponse<PartnerNotificationResponse> response = commonClient.sendPartnerNotification(request);
    } catch (MiniAppClientException ex) {
        ErrorResponse errorResponse = ex.getError();
        Integer errorCode = ex.getErrorCode();
  • Example of Send Pre-Payment Notification

Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap();
    payload.put("name", "<name>");
    payload.put("vertical", "<vertical>");
    payload.put("url", "<url>");
    PartnerPrePaymentNotificationRequest request = new PartnerPrePaymentNotificationRequest.Builder()
            .setMid("<merchant mid received on onboarding>")
            .setOpenId("<received from fetch open id>")
            .setBookingId("<order/booking id of placed order>")
            .setBookingTime("<order/booking time in ms>")
            .setTemplateName("<notification template name received on onboarding>").build();
    try {
        HTTPServiceResponse<PartnerPrePaymentNotificationResponse> response = commonClient.sendPartnerPrePaymentNotification(request);
    } catch (MiniAppClientException ex) {
        ErrorResponse errorResponse = ex.getError();
        Integer errorCode = ex.getErrorCode();



UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION 1000 General error code when the cause of an exception is not known
HTTP_IO_EXCEPTION 1001 Error code when there is an error in HTTP rest call
JSON_PROCESSING_EXCEPTION 1002 Error while JSON serialization or deserialization
IO_EXCEPTION 1003 Error in JSON serialization or deserialization
ERROR_RESPONSE_FROM_API 1004 API did not give success response
MANDATORY_HEADER_MISSING 1005 Validation error of missing header
INVALID_REQUEST 1006 Validation error of not valid request
INVALID_CLIENT_ATTRIBUTES 1007 Invalid attributes provided while client creation