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Post Facto Split Settlement


Paytm supports split settlement functionality for transactions done on a Paytm POS machine. Merchants need to pass Pre facto (split settlement info passed within sale request)  or Post facto (split settlement info is passed later separately)  split settlement identifiers in the sale API at the time of transaction initiation. In case a post facto split settlement identifier is passed within a sale request, Paytm will wait for the merchant to pass split settlement info till the time settlement is processed for a particular transaction. 

Recommendation: Paytm recommends merchant to integrate the Post Facto Split Settlement feature to track the settlement of transactions done on a Paytm POS machine. 



Example - The merchant is a franchise with multiple stores at different locations. If the Post Facto Split Settlement is opted for, then the amount to be settled is split between the specified stores (Store 1, Store 2, etc.)  in the franchise.

 Note: Paytm has a default cutoff timing for post facto API as below: 

  • if txnTime>= 9:30 PM: then the split timeout will be 10 PM the next day
  • if txnTime< 9:30 PM: then the split timeout will be 10 PM the same day

In case a merchant is not comfortable with the above default timeouts and wants to configure post facto acceptance expiry time, a new param TimeoutConfig would be required in the Sale API in which the request expiry date can be passed on by the merchant. 
Post Facto API can be used for sending post facto split settlement info for a particular transaction by the merchant. 


Transaction Flow 


  1. After a transaction gets completed on a Paytm POS machine, the merchant's billing POS calls Post Facto split settlement from the billing system.  
  2. Paytm server validates the request and sends back post facto split acceptance/rejection response back to the merchant's billing pos.