Best Payment Gateway for E-commerce

India’s leading ecommerce startups trust Paytm Payment Gateway
Best Payment Gateway
Six powerful reasons to choose Paytm Payment Gateway
Instant activation
Instant activation
Paytm offers 100% online onboarding with minimum documentation to help your business go online with ease
Easy integration
Easy integration
Use Paytm’s robust APIs and custom SDKs to start accepting digital payments in less than 30 minutes using just a few lines of code
Payment sources
100+ payment sources
Allow your customers to pay way they want with support for debit and credit cards, Netbanking, UPI, Paytm Wallet & more
Industry-best success rates
Industry-best success rates
With Paytm’s intelligent routing & direct bank integrations, we ensure that your customers’ payments go through every time
India's most widely-used checkout
India's most widely-used checkout
Over 330 million+ Indians prefer the Paytm Checkout & you can now give your customers the checkout experience they love
Dedicated support
Dedicated support
All online merchants and payment gateway users on Paytm get dedicated support via a toll-free number and email

Say goodbye to manual reconciliation with our powerful dashboard

A powerful dashboard

Get real-time analytics and customisable reports

Create payment links to accept ad hoc payments for events, seminars and more

Create offers and no-cost EMI options for your students

View and manage your settlements

Manage and initiate refunds

Enable learning with our range of affordability products
Bank Offers
Bank Offers
Run Discount/Cashback offers via Paytm.

Simple configuration on Paytm dashboard

Apply offer applicability rules in real-time

Bank Offers
No-Cost EMI
No-Cost EMI
Induce purchase by providing Zero cost EMI.

Set Zero cost EMI on transaction amount or on specific items on the cart.

Bank Offers
Paytm Postpaid
Paytm Postpaid
Lowest txn failure rates. One click payment. No PIN or OTP.

Customer receives interest free credit upto 38 days, with an option to convert to EMI

Bank Offers
Easy EMI on Cards
Easy EMI on Cards
No additional integration required.
Easy EMI on Cards

All major banks supported

Get the best plans with lowest interest

Bank Offers
Paytm vs Other Payment Gateways
Success Rates
Robustness of platform
International Payments
Special Value proposition for EdTech Startups
Paytm Payment Gateway
Success Rates

Highest success rates driven by:

  • 250mn+ saved cards
  • 100mn+ saved bank accounts and 15mn UPI IDs
  • Paytm’s in-house banking infrastructure

Lifetime free on UPI & RuPay (50% + transactions)


T+1 settlements. No holidays T : Date of transaction capture

Robustness of platform

Supports 3000 TPS (transactions per second)

International Payments

Support for 200+ countries & T+1 settlements

Special Value proposition for EdTech Startups

Comprehensive solution covering:

  • Free PG
  • Free Payouts
  • Customer acquisition via Paytm Ads
  • Distribution via Paytm Mini App store
  • Benefits on current account and nodal account
Other Payment Gateways
Success Rates

Scale of saved instruments is much lower

  • Rely on external banking partners and hence lower success rates

2% charged on UPI & RuPay


T+2. No settlements on bank holidays

Robustness of platform

< 1,000 TPS

International Payments

Support for 100+ countries & T+7 settlements

Special Value proposition for EdTech Startups

No comprehensive solution

Recommended Products for Education
Paytm Subscriptions
Paytm Subscriptions
Support recurring payments
Paytm Links
Payment Links
Collect payments via links sent over SMS/email/Whatsapp
Split Settlements
Split Settlements
Route fee payments directly to multiple bank accounts
Custom Checkout
Custom Checkout
Power your own payment UI
Pre-Auth Capture
Pre-Auth Capture
Authorize transactions before order or transaction amount gets confirmed
Single click checkout after one-time account linking