
Apply Offer - Checkout Integration


The offer application is supported in following checkout flows:

  1. JS Checkout - As a part of the JS checkout solution, Paytm owns the payment experience and supports bank offers / EMI Subvention integration on the checkout flow.
  2. All-in-One SDK - As a part of the All-in-One SDK solution, Paytm owns the payment experience and supports bank offers / EMI Subvention integration on the checkout flow.
  3. Plugins - As part of checkout solution support for the plugins, merchants need to update the plugin configuration setting. To know more, refer to Plugins, and for detailed steps check the following plugins. 
    1. Magento
    2. WooCommerce
    3. OpenCart
    4. Prestashop
    5. CS Cart
  4. Custom Checkout - As a part of the Custom Checkout solution, merchant owns the payment experience. In the Custom Checkout solution, Bankoffers/EMI Subvention can be integrated in the following two ways:
    1. Standard Integration: As a part of this type of integration, the merchant gets the banks and tenure information from Paytm by integrating the relevant APIs. Merchant doesn’t need to keep any data at their end in this integration. For more details, please refer to the detailed steps here.
    2. Express Integration: As a part of this type of integration, merchant would be required to keep the same plans and tenure data in their database that merchant has got configured at Paytm. There will not be any need to integrate any new API for providing EMI subvention to their customers. For more details, please refer to the detailed steps here.

    To know more, please refer to the Custom Checkout document.

  5. Payment Links- As a part of Payment Links, Paytm owns the payment experience and supports bank offers / EMI Subvention integration on the checkout flow.