
Integration Steps

Paytm as PA with Non-Paytm Token Requestor

  1. This integration is recommended for merchants using non-Paytm Token Requestor alongside Paytm as the PA.
  2. In order to process CVV-less payments the following changes need to be made in Process Transaction API:
    • Instead of passing the complete card information (saveCardId|cardNo|cvv|expDate) in the cardInfo field, no values should be passed (| | |)
    • No change is to be made for any other fields such as cardTokenInfo, etc.

Paytm as PA and Token Requestor

  1. This integration is suitable for custom checkout merchants who have enabled Paytm PA as well as Token Requestor
  2. You are recommended to integrate our Fetch Bin API, to identify whether CVV is required for the provided Token bin or not. This can be identified from cvvR field in binDetail object:
    • If cvvR=true, then CVV needs to be collected from the customer and passed to Paytm in the Process Transaction request
    • If cvvR=false, then CVV input need not be collected from your customer and  passed to Paytm
  3. If you are using the Paytm Fetch Payment Option, then you can use cvvRequired field from cardDetails object instead of using a similar identifier in Fetch Bin API described above
  4. In order to process CVV-less payments the following changes need to be made in Process Transaction API:
    • Only the saveCardID aka TIN will be mandatory to pass in cardInfo field 
    • cardNo, CVV, and expDate need not be passed

Paytm as PA and TG for Paytm-Managed Checkouts

  1. For merchants using Paytm Managed Checkouts, no integration changes are expected.
  2. Paytm will ensure that CVV is not collected from customers for eligible issuing bank and card network combinations during the transaction process.