
Void / Cancel Transaction


For canceling same-day transactions merchant can initiate transaction void requests manually on the Paytm POS machine or by calling VOID API which would trigger void flow on the device. Void can happen only for completed transactions on that particular day. For canceling the previous day's transactions, a refund request has to be raised through the Paytm dashboard or by using Refund API

VOID (or Cancel) Transaction flow



  1. Merchant billing system calls VOID Transaction API and sends the request to the Paytm server with the transaction and terminal details. 
  2. Paytm server validates the request and sends back the request acceptance / rejection response to Merchant's billing system. In case the request gets accepted, the Paytm server redirects it to the corresponding Paytm POS machine.
  3. In case the Paytm POS machine is online, a void request lands on the POS machine and a pop-up to accept or reject a void request is shown on the device. In case the machine is offline i.e. not connected to the internet, the machine will not be able to accept the payment request. 
  4. On request acceptance on a device, void (or cancel) transaction flow on the device gets triggered and the customer cancels payment. 
  5. Paytm POS machine displays void success / failure response on the screen and sends status to the Paytm server.
  6. Once the device displays void success / failure, the merchant billing system hits the Status Enquiry API to fetch the void status. 

     Recommendation: Paytm recommends merchants to integrate the Status Enquiry API  for checking transaction status. 


VOID Flow on Device