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  • Checksum
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How can we help you today?

    • Checksum
    1. What is Checksum?+
    2. What is the usage of merchant key and is it used as parameter for the checksum generation?+
    3. Why am I getting mismatch/Invalid checksum in the response from Paytm?-

      Make sure that all the parameters like merchant key and their correct values are being used to generate the checksum.
      If you are still facing the same issue, please contact us.

    4. How will the checksum be generated for website, android and iOS integration?+
    5. How will the checksum be verified for website, android and iOS integration?+
    6. When I download the checksum php file from github there is no 'lib' folder. So how or where do enter my key?+
    7. We are developing an app with no backend, how to generate checksum?+
    If you are an existing Paytm for Business customer, call us on
    Contact for any query - call image0120-4440440
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