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    • Subscription
    1. How does auto-collect work for subscriptions?+
    2. Does Paytm send any notifications to the users?-

      There are multiple points of notifying a user during its subscription journey, If 'communicationManager' attribute is TRUE at the time of subscription creation, then following notifications are sent:

      Subscription Creation: Paytm sends automated contextual notification on the event of subscription creation by your customer. This notification ensures that along with subscription details, the next payment due date and amount are conveyed to the customer. These notifications will be sent to customer via email or SMS. The sample format for the notification is- "Dear Customer, Your monthly subscription of Rs XX.00 has been created on XX-XX-XXXX, with upfront payment of INR YY.00. Your next payment is scheduled for INR XX.00 from Wallet."

      Pre-debit notification prior to recurring payment debit: Paytm sends a pre debit notification to your customer 24-48 hours before the debit to inform them the name of the merchant, transaction amount, date, time and the reason for debit. This will ensure that the customer can take necessary actions post this notification. These notifications will be sent to customer via email or SMS. The sample format for the notification is- "Dear Customer, Your monthly payment is scheduled for for INR XX.00 on XX-XX-XXXX. Kindly maintain sufficient balance in your Paytm Payments Bank Account for seamless services."

      Note: For Wallet and UPI, the pre-debit notification is sent to your customer by the issuing bank atleast 24 hours prior to the payment deduction.

      Payment debit: Paytm sends automated notification to your customer after the transaction. This notification ensures that the name of the merchant, transaction amount, date and time of debit are conveyed to the customer.This notification will be sent to the customer via email or SMS. The sample format for the notification is - "Dear Customer, Your payment of INR XX.00 for monthly subscription with XXXX is successfully deducted from your Wallet."

    3. When should I call Pre-Notify API?+
    4. Can I modify an existing subscription?+
    5. For an existing running subscription, what would be the outcome of not charging a customer for a specific cycle?+
    6. Is there a facility of automatic retry in case the payment debit request failure?+
    7. If recurring payment debit fails after the pre-debit notification is sent to the user,does merchant have to send another pre-debit notification before another recurring payment debit request?+
    8. If a merchant moves from auto renewal flow to manual debit requests, will the existing subscription created with autoRenewal as TRUE move to manual renewal or continue to be auto-renewed?+
    9. Merchant is trying to set up a UPI subscription for a future date. But the UPI paymode is not visible on the payment screen?+
    10. For which subscription states will we receive an S2S callback?+
    11. What is the minimum billing cycle contract which can be tested in the staging environment?+
    12. What is subscription expiry date?+
    13. How will I know which APPs support UPI autopay?+
    14. How many active subscription contracts can a customer have with one MID at a time?+
    15. How many times should we retry if recurring payment debit request is unsuccessful?+
    If you are an existing Paytm for Business customer, call us on
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