How can we help you today?
- Testing and Generic Queries
- I want payment gateway integration for my website/app?
- Where do I get the test/production credentials e.g. MID, merchant key etc?
- How to get API keys? I am a registered Paytm business merchant.
Please refer to below steps to generate the Test/Production API details
Please login to your Paytm Dashboard, with your registered email id or mobile number.
Go to developer settings and from the dropdown select API keys
For Staging(Testing) details please click on Test API details and then click generate now(if this is already done once the details should be visible)
For Production details click on Production API details(This details will be visible once your account’s onboarding is completed)
In case you are unable to generate, login to your dashboard in an incognito window with the correct username and try
If the issue still persists please share a screenshot of the error message reflecting on your dashboard along with your registered email id/mobile number,through contact us page - I am getting Invalid MID issue?
- I am getting a ‘Something went wrong’ error while trying to integrate Paytm Payment Gateway.
- I am getting system error ?
- What to do when I am getting "RESPCODE":"810","RESPMSG":"Payment failed due to a technical error. Please try after some time." upon calling process transaction API?
- Can you confirm that the callback URL for Subscription Status & Payment Status is the same or different?
- What are the different test instrument & their details for the testing environment in the payment gateway?
- I am getting Invalid MID issue?
- Are the merchant Id & merchant key same?
- What special characters are allowed in Order Id?
- Where can I see transactions of my customers?
- What if payment response is not received or an unknown error occurs?
- Is it possible to get redirected to the bank web page (skipping the Paytm PG page) directly?
- Can I enable save card feature for my MID?
- Can I save card vault?