POSTInitiate Pre-notify API
Use Case
This is an asynchronous API to pre-notify users about the debit of the subscription.
Request Attributes
Attribute | Description |
requestTimeStamp string optional | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which request is being sent. Example: 1588402269 |
signature string mandatory | AI router validates the request and ensures that parameters are not tempered by verifying the signature in the request. For creating the checksum (signature) refer to the steps given in Checksum Logic.
channelId string optional | The parameter value identifies the Channel for which the API call is initiated. Possible values: WEB , WAP |
Attribute | Description | ||||||
subscriptionId string mandatory | Unique Subscription ID generated by AI router for identifying a subscription transaction | ||||||
mid string mandatory | This is a unique identifier provided to every merchant by AI router. Example: 216820000002516036253 | ||||||
txnDate string mandatory | Date and Time of transaction. | ||||||
referenceId string mandatory | Unique Reference Id for refund transaction which is generated by merchant. Duplicate REFID will be rejected by the AI router. Example: REFID_98765 | ||||||
txnAmount Object mandatory | The first payment amount to be charged to the customer at the time of subscription creation.
Example: {"value" : "1.00", "currency" : "INR"} | ||||||
TxnAmount +
| |||||||
txnMessage string mandatory | Transaction message | ||||||
invoiceDisplayNo string optional | Invoice No |
Response Attributes
Attribute | Description |
responseTimeStamp string | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which response is being sent. Example: 1588402269 |
Attribute | Description | ||||||||
resultInfo object | This parameter gives the information about the result in the API response | ||||||||
resultInfo +
| |||||||||
subscriptionId string | Unique Subscription ID generated by AI router for identifying a subscription transaction |
Response Codes & Messages
resultCode | resultStatus | resultMsg |
400 | FAILURE | The request cannot be validated. Please refer to the doc and try again. |
3004 | FAILURE | Subscription Not Found |
3005 | FAILURE | Some error occured |
405 | FAILURE | Failure in xml parsing |
3013 | FAILURE | Duplicate Upload Confirmation Request |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"head": {"clientId": "UMP","version": "v1","requestTimestamp": "1684839061233","channelId": "WEB","tokenType": "AES","signature": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZXF1ZXN0VGltZXN0YW1wIjoiMTY4MDE2Nzc4MjE5OSIsImlzcyI6IlVNUCIsInN1YnNJZCI6MTAwMDA4MDIsIm1pZCI6IjIxNjgyMDAwMDAwMjUxNjAzNjI1MyIsInR4bkFtb3VudCI6MiwidHhuRGF0ZSI6IjMwLTAzLTIwMjMiLCJ0eG5NZXNzYWdlIjoiQXJqdW4gcmVuZXcgdGVzdGluZyIsInJlZmVyZW5jZUlkIjoiQmlsbGRlc2tfYW9hX1VQSV8zMjFfMjIiLCJpbnZvaWNlRGlzcGxheU5vIjoiMTIwMDkxMjE2MTIzMjEwMSJ9.34bjElMmTEw0FM1ObJRJ_Dnr3Eb-nyJvApKuLnilD2I"},"body": {"subscriptionId": 10001435,"mid": "YOUR_MID_HERE","txnAmount": 1,"txnDate": "24-05-2023","txnMessage": "Arjun renew testing","referenceId": "Paytm_Arjun_732sdfds","invoiceDisplayNo": "1200912161232101"}}'