POSTCheck Balance API
Use Case
This API is used to consult whether the user has sufficient balance in any of the Paytm proprietary instruments. API will also provide deficit amount in case the amount is insufficient and Add Money is required to complete the transaction.
Request Attributes
Attribute | Description |
clientId string (3) optional | Paytm use the merchant key on the basis of clientId parameter value. It requires only if the merchant has more than one key. Example: C11 |
version string(4) optional | Version of the API. Example: v1 |
requestTimestamp string(15) mandatory | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which request is being sent. |
channelId string(3) mandatory | The parameter value identifies the Channel for which API call is initiated. Possible values:
For websites, the value to be passed should be "WEB"
For Mobile websites/App, the value to be passed should be "WAP"
signature string(108) mandatory | Paytm validates the request and ensures that parameters are not tempered by verifying the signature in the request. For creating the checksum (signature) refer to the steps given in Checksum Logic. |
Attribute | Description | ||||
mid string(20) mandatory | Paytm provides MID as a unique identifier to each merchant. For your staging MID, click here. You get the production MID post the account activation. Example: INTEGR7769XXXXXX9383 | ||||
userToken string mandatory | This is a unique token linked with user's Paytm wallet and is provided in the response while linking user's Paytm wallet. | ||||
totalAmount decimal mandatory | Proposed transaction amount, in case of pre-auth it will be pre-auth amount | ||||
amountDetails object optional | Amount breakup in case amount is of specific category | ||||
AmountDetails +
Response Attributes
Attribute | Description |
clientId string(3) | Paytm use the merchant key on the basis of clientId parameter value. It requires only if the merchant has more than one key. Example: C11 |
version string(2) | Version of the API passed in the request. |
responseTimestamp string(15) | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which response is being sent. |
channelId string(3) | The parameter value identifies the Channel for which API call is initiated. Possible values:
For websites, the value to be passed should be "WEB"
For Mobile websites/App, the value to be passed should be "WAP"
signature string(108) | You should validate the parameter values by verifying the signature comes in the response. It ensures that parameter values not tempered. Signature string can be verified by using Paytm checksum library. Note: Create the signature using the body parameter of the request. |
Attribute | Description | ||||||||
resultInfo object | This parameter gives the information about the result of the API response | ||||||||
ResultInfo +
| |||||||||
fundsSufficient boolean | If a transaction can be done via Paytm without adding money. | ||||||||
addMoneyAllowed boolean | If add money can be done to complete the transaction true in case funds are not sufficient but transaction can be completed by doing add money false otherwise. | ||||||||
deficitAmount decimal | Amount that needs to be added for completing the transaction |
Response Codes & Messages
resultCode | resultStatus | resultMsg |
CS_0000 | SUCCESS | Request served successfully. |
CS_0001 | FAILURE | Invalid request/ requestBody received. |
CS_0002 | FAILURE | Invalid userToken received. |
CS_0004 | FAILURE | Invalid amount received. |
CS_0005 | FAILURE | Neither User token nor AgreementId was in the request. |
AGM_0006 | FAILURE | Agreement does not exists. |
AGM_0007 | FAILURE | Agreement status is invalid. |
GE_0003 | FAILURE | We could not get the requested details. Please try again. |
GE_0001 | FAILURE | Unknown Error |
GE_1 | FAILURE | Unauthorized Access |
GE_2 | FAILURE | Bad request |
GE_1026 | FAILURE | We can not process your request. Please try later. |
GE_1027 | FAILURE | User doesn't exist. |
GE_1043 | FAILURE | Merchant does not exist |
GE_1035 | FAILURE | Merchant is in inactive state. |
RWL_2001 | FAILURE | You will exceed allowed debit transaction amount in wallet. |
RU_1000 | FAILURE | Paytm wallet option is not available. Please visit Paytm app wallet section |
403 | FAILURE | Unauthorized Access |
408 | FAILURE | Timed out from Oauth End |
Sample Response
- Sufficient balance with wallet
"head": {
"clientId": "C11",
"version": "v1",
"responseTimestamp": "1507207412152",
"signature": "<CHECKSUMHASH>"
"body": {
"fundsSufficient": true,
"addMoneyAllowed": false,
"deficitAmount": "0",
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "00023424/234234234",
"resultStatus": "Sucesss",
"resultMsg": "Sucess"
- Sufficient balance with Postpaid
"head": {
"clientId": "C11",
"version": "v1",
"responseTimestamp": "1507207412152",
"signature": "<CHECKSUMHASH>"
"body": {
"fundsSufficient": true,
"addMoneyAllowed": false,
"deficitAmount": "0",
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "00023424/234234234",
"resultStatus": "Sucesss",
"resultMsg": "Sucess"
- Insufficient balance Add Money allowed
"head": {
"clientId": "C11",
"version": "v1",
"responseTimestamp": "1507207412152",
"signature": "<CHECKSUMHASH>"
"body": {
"fundsSufficient": false,
"addMoneyRequired": true,
"deficitAmount": "100.00",
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "00023424/234234234",
"resultStatus": "Sucesss",
"resultMsg": "Sucess"
- Insufficient balance & Add Money not allowed
"head": {
"clientId": "C11",
"version": "v1",
"responseTimestamp": "1507207412152",
"signature": "<CHECKSUMHASH>"
"body": {
"fundsSufficient": false,
"addMoneyRequired": false,
"deficitAmount": "100.00",
"resultInfo": {
"resultCode": "00023424/234234234",
"resultStatus": "Success",
"resultMsg": "Success"
curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"body":{"userToken":"eyJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..xxxxxxxxxxx.9iHTtWbCZ0I6qbn2sUnyz5siw1fqbmtEnFMFE7nSIX-yrwCkiGfAC6QmPr9q-tw8LMPOh5-3UXRbpeVZEupQd3wNyaArWybRX2HAxJDRD8mxJ_wxzJM6GZ1ov4O3EIsx2Y_Zr0aHCd3VbnTjRUnlVdxXJPFG8QZs0b_2TVdoAX3_QjZS8_dwcmIWoH8ebDzOIs7MJacETfMtyFGAo8Xc0LjznToUWvTsTbIXQoF1yB0.1fZFAYJVsY61BTv2htLcXQ8800","totalAmount":"1.00","mid":"{mid}"},"head":{"clientId":"C11","signature":"{signature}"}}'