
Wired DLL configuration file



A config file - (PaytmPayments.dll.config)  will be provided along with the library. This file needs to be placed and stored under the user's home directory.


Steps to Edit Configuration File (PaytmPayments.dll.config) 

  1. Open the Configuration file (i.e. PaytmPayments.dll.config) in any text editor.
  2. Update the required settings and then Save.




S.No. Name Description
1 StatusCheckOnSaleRequestEnabled Set it to true if wants to enable status check on sale request, otherwise false
2 SaleRequestTimeout
(In Seconds)
Time after which the DLL will give timeout response for SALE transaction
3 SaleAckStatusCode Status code indicating that the SALE transaction has been successfully started by the device
(Merchants do not need to modify it)
4 StatusCheckStart
(In Seconds)
Time Interval after which the first status check starts.
5 StatusCheckInterval
(In Seconds)
Time interval after which the next status check starts.
6 TransactionPendingStatusCodes Status code indicating that the current SALE transaction is in progress
(Merchants do not need to modify it)
7 DeviceId Device Instance path (port no) of connected Paytm POS machine. In case the DLL is not able to connect 
to the device on provided port no, DLL will try to connect through this port no.


Response Codes


Code Message Description
000 Command Initiated Successfully General response code, indicating that command execution was successful
001 Process Transaction has been Initiated General response code, indicating that transaction was started on the device
002 Void for Transaction has been Initiated Void process for the transaction has been initiated on the device
003 Transaction Process Cancelled Successfully Cancel Transaction Response, Ongoing Sale transaction has been successfully aborted on the device
004 Void for Transaction Cancelled Successfully Cancel Transaction Response, Ongoing Void transaction has been successfully aborted on the device
101 Transaction was successful Status check response, If the transaction was successful
102 Void for Transaction was successful Status check response, if void was successfully processed
103 Transaction Process is under progress Status check response, if the transaction is currently ongoing
104 Void for Transaction is under progress Status check response, if the Void is currently ongoing
105 Transaction Process was cancelled Status check response, if the transaction was cancelled
106 Void for Transaction was cancelled Status check response, if the void request was cancelled
107 Process Transaction was not successful Status check response, if the transaction was failure
108 Void Request for transaction failed Status check response, if the Void request was failure
901 Internet is not connected Terminal is not connected to the Internet, hence can not proceed with the transaction request
902 Terminal is Busy Terminal is currently busy with some other transactions, hence can not process this request
903 Invalid Checksum Checksum provided is not matching with the calculated checksum on the device
904 Invalid Command If any parameter is missing or not valid for any api request
905 Transaction with same order ID exists in DB Duplicate orderId case, need a unique orderId for each new transaction
906 Transaction Process was not successful Void Response, if the given transaction was not successful and Void was requested for it.
907 Requested Transaction does not exist Status check response, if the transaction with the given orderID is not present
908 Transaction requested to be Void is already Void Void response, if the transaction was already void
909 No cancellable transaction exists Cancel Transaction Response, if there is no ongoing transactions that can be cancelled
910 Transaction can not be cancelled Cancel Transaction Response, If the current transaction can not be cancelled for any reason
911 Transaction is not completed yet Print command response, if the transaction is currently ongoing and Print command is received for that transaction.
912 Void Request for this transaction is in progress Print command response, if void is currently under process for a transaction and Print command is received for it.
913 Printer is not available on Device Print Command Response, if printer hardware does not exist
914 Transaction can not be cancelled, Card data has been received Cancel Transaction Response, If the current transaction can not be cancelled because card has been read by the device
915 Void Request cannot be cancelled Cancel Transaction Response, If the current void request can not be cancelled because for any reason.
916 Request Parameter(s) are not valid If any provided parameter is not in the specified format
936 Printer is busy The printer is currently performing some operations and cannot process the sent request
937 Printer is heated. Please wait for some time before the next printing The printer is heated and cannot continue with the sent request
938 Low voltage on Printer Appropriate voltage is not available on the printer and hence cannot continue with the sent request.
939 Printer does not have a paper roll Paper roll is not available for the printer
940 Paper is not aligned properly The paper roll is not inserted properly
941 Printer malfunctioned Some unexpected error occurred while processing the sent request
1000 Invalid Tip Parameters Passed Tip amount format is invalid or the sum of amount and tip amount is not equal to totalAmount field
1001 Tip amount passed is greater than the maximum allowed tip-amount Tip amount passed is greater than the maximum allowed value of the tip
1002 Invalid parameters passed in extendInfo Tip amount passed in extended-info which is not allowed
1100 Device is not available When the terminal is not connected with the merchant POS.
1101 Timeout When we are not able to get the response anyhow from the device ( device is not responding / broken connection in between)
1102 Invalid Checksum When Checksum validation fails at utility level.
1103 <Generic error message should be placed like any exception>" Generic Error


Error Response code


Error Type Sample Response 


 Note: statusType = Error → means the response came from the Library, not from the Device (DLL could not communicate with the device).