
EMI Subvention - Zero/Low cost EMI

EMI subvention empowers you to provide an option to your customers for making total payment in easy equal instalments at zero % effective interest rate. With this product, you can encourage your customers to make big value purchases without worrying about making a complete upfront payment. You can give this feature by providing the interest component as cashback to the payment instrument used by the customer or by reducing the principal amount itself.


For example, If a customer purchases a product worth Rs 60000, then the EMI subvention product will give merchant flexibility so that the customer can pay Rs 10000 each month for 6 months.

Demo of EMI Subvention

How to configure EMI Subvention?

You will need to get the configuration for the EMI subvention options. For EMI subvention configuration, you need to provide the following details. 

  1. Zero or low-cost EMI plans - Banks and tenures on which you would like to offer the EMI subvention schemes. Please refer to the standard EMI plans offered through Paytm payment gateway and select the plans on which you would like to offer EMI subvention plans.
  2. Choose one of the EMI subvention strategy mentioned below. This shall be used to filter out the subvention plans applicable on user cart items.
    1. Amount based subvention - You need to provide the minimum and maximum amount on which subvention can be given. You will just need to send the eligible subvention amount from the total cart amount on which you would like to offer Zero or No-cost EMIs to your customers.
    2. Item-based subvention - You will need to provide one or any combination of the different identifiers and send the same in the relevant APIs or in the config for JS checkout. The different identifiers are category id, brand id, model and EAN number. You will need to send the same parameters as configured to determine the Zero or No-Cost EMIs plans for that product.
  3. Gratification type - You can gratify the interest to the users either as an upfront discount or cashback at the end of EMI cycles.

Note: You will need to get the above configuration done for the EMI subvention options. Please send the email with details to your account manager or you may contact us.

Supported Checkout flows for EMI Subvention

  1. JS Checkout - As a part of JS checkout solution, Paytm owns the payment experience. For integrating EMI subvention with JS checkout, please refer to the detailed steps here.
  2. All-in-One SDK - As a part of All-in-One SDK solution, Paytm owns the payment experience. For integrating EMI subvention with All-in-One SDK, please refer to the detailed steps here.
  3. Plugins - As part of checkout solution support for the plugins, merchant need to update the plugin configuration setting. Please refer the below plugins for detailed steps.
    1. Magento
    2. WooCommerce
    3. OpenCart
    4. Prestashop
    5. CS Cart
    6. Nopcommerce
  4. Custom Checkout - As a part of Custom Checkout solution, you own the payment experience. In Custom Checkout solution, EMI Subvention can be integrated in the following two ways:
    1. Merchant fetches the banks and tenures from Paytm through APIs - As a part of this type of integration, you get the banks and tenures information from Paytm by integrating the relevant APIs. You don’t need to keep any data at your end in this integration. For more details, please refer to the detailed steps here.
    2. Merchant keeps the data related to banks and tenures in its own DB - As a part of this type of integration, you would be required to keep the same plans and tenures data in your DB which you have got configured at Paytm. There will not be any need to integrate any new API for providing EMI subvention to your customers. For more details, please refer to the detailed steps here.