Better Tracking: Customized Passbook

We have upgraded the Passbook feature of your very own corporate panel which we believe will make it easy for you to track every transaction you make to a user’s wallet.

Let’s have a look at the updates:

  • Reason for pending transaction: Paytm cash wallet users can see the reason behind a pending transaction when they download the disbursal file from Passbook section
  • ‘On Hold’ filter to track transactions: Paytm cash wallet users will get an ‘On Hold’ filter on sub-wallet transaction report which can be selected to check transactions waiting to be processed
  • Upgraded Passbook with search using Phone Number: The passbook now provides balance for Business Wallet and Sub Wallet in a single place. You can even search transactions with mobile numbers and get rid of Order ID/Transaction ID. The statement downloads are also available within the passbook for your ease. No need to request statement and download statement from different tabs. You can filter the disbursement reports based on the failed or success statuses
  • Receipt for successful transaction: You can also download a receipt for successfully disbursed amount. This functionality is available in the Sub-wallet passbook against every transaction
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