The (R to Z) Glossary of Digital Marketing Terms: Part #3

Digital Marketing Dictionary

This is Part #3 of the series ‘The Ultimate Glossary of Digital Marketing Terms: 2022 Edition’.

In this part, we will be covering the glossary of digital marketing terms starting with alphabets ‘R’ to ‘Z’.

You can read Part #1 here and Part #2 here.

You just need to click on the alphabet of your choice to jump to that section.


Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘R’

RankBrain: new subsystem of algorithms used by Google in the delivery of search results

Ranking Factors: criteria used by search engines to evaluate web pages for compiling search result rankings

Rankings: position of a website in the search results

Reach: total number of users who can see your content

Reciprocal Links: the practise wherein links of two or more websites are exchanged

Referral Traffic: visitors who arrive at your website from other websites rather than searching for you on Google

Relevance Score: indicates whether your messaging genuinely appeals to the audience you are attempting to reach

Remarketing: displaying advertisements to people who have previously visited your website or used your mobile app

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): a Google Ads feature that enables advertisers to customise their search campaigns based on whether or not a user has earlier visited their website or mobile app and which pages the user viewed

Rep Firm: a sales force for advertising, concentrating on high-traffic, well-branded websites

Responsive Web Design: adapts to different screen sizes and viewports, automatically

Retention Marketing: a set of strategies used to keep customers engaged, satisfied, and willing to purchase

Return on Advertising Spending (ROAS): calculates how much revenue your company earns for every dollar it spends on advertising

Revenue Per Click (RPC): the average amount of revenue predicated on the conversion rate within a campaign

Rich Media: an ad with advanced features that encourages viewers to connect and communicate with the content

Rich Results: highlight key information and assist search engines in understanding the purpose of a page

Robots.txt: a text file that can be saved on the website server. It determines when search engine crawlers can visit a website’s subpages and index them

Run of Network (RON): an advertising campaign applied to a large number of websites without giving the option to select specific sites

Run of Site (ROS): an advertising campaign in which advertisements can be placed in any area of a website

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘S’

Sales Qualified Lead (SQLs): a prospective customer who has progressed through the sales pipeline to a point where the sales team can start converting them into an active customer

Schema Markup: the code linked with a website that assists users in receiving more informative search engine results

Search Algorithm: a complicated algorithm that search engines use to determine the importance of web pages

Search Engine Results Page (SERP): the page that appears after you type a query into a search engine

Search Engine Spam: actions taken to manipulate a website’s ranking in search engines

Search Engine Submission: also called search engine registration, is the process of getting your website listed with search engines

Search Engine: a piece of software that assists people in finding the information they seek online by using keywords or phrases

Search Intent: also called user intent, specifies the goal or intention of an internet user when entering a search term into a search engine

Search Network: a collection of search-related websites where your ads and free product listings can be displayed

Search Operators: commands that aid in the filtering and refinement of search engine results

Search Retargeting: a method of building a custom audience based on keyword search behaviour

Second Price Auction: model in which the buyer pays $0.01 more for an ad impression than the second-highest bidder

Self-Serve Advertising: any medium that enables advertisers to define ad campaign criteria and purchase ad inventory without engaging with a sales representative or a publisher

SEO Audit: the process that evaluates a website’s performance in terms of search engine rankings

Session Duration: the amount of time that a user interacts with a website regularly

Session Recording: a tool that records website visitors’ browsing sessions

Session: a collection of user interactions with a website that occurs within a specific time frame

Share of Voice: a measure of your brand’s market share in comparison to your competitors

Shoppable Post: any content that allows your customers to buy directly from you

Shopping Ads: an advertisement that includes detailed information about specific products you sell

Shopping Cart: is a software that enables customers to store their chosen product(s) in one place so that they do not have to be retrieved again before purchase

.sig File: a small text file which can be automatically placed at the end of email messages

Single Opt-In: an email subscription method wherein users are automatically added to a mailing list after they enter their email address and click on ‘Subscribe’

Site Structure: refers to how a website is organised, including how its subpages are linked to each other

Sitelinks: additional links that appear beneath the main URL of Google search results

Sitemap: a list of a website’s contents that can be accessed by both users and bots or crawlers

Slug: the part of a URL that easily identifies a specific page on a website

Social Listening: the process of observing digital conversations to learn what customers are saying online about a brand, product or an industry

Social Media Influencer: someone who has built credibility in a particular industry, has a huge following, and can convince others to act on their recommendations

Social Media Traffic: traffic that comes from social networks and social media platforms to your website, mobile site, or mobile app

Social Selling: the practise of connecting with prospects via a brand’s social media channels to develop a connection with them, and engage with potential leads

Soft Bounce: an email that is temporarily undeliverable due to a problem on the recipient’s end

Source: the website that directed traffic to your site

Spam: the practise of sending unsolicited messages via electronic messaging platforms

Spider: also called a web crawler, is an Internet bot that methodically browses the World Wide Web, usually for web indexing

Splash Page: graphics-heavy pages that contain useful information and show up before the homepage of your website

SSL Certificate: stands for Secure Sockets Layer, is a security protocol type that encrypts data exchanged between a server and a user

Stickiness: any aspect of a website that encourages visitors to stay longer. A website is sticky if a visitor stays for an extended period and returns

Structured Data: a format for marking up information on a website’s web page. It enables search engines to better understand the content on a web page and use it to exhibit search results in a relevant and ordered manner.

Subject Line: a part of the email that appears first when a user opens their email inbox

Surround Session: a session wherein an advertiser controls all or most of the ads on each page for the duration a user stays on the site

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘T’

Tag: an element that is inserted into the source code of the page to enable a third-party analytics tool to log connections to its server

Target Audience: the specific group of consumers who are most likely to associate with your product or service, and thus the people who should see your advertising campaigns

Targeting: a strategic method that specifically targets ads or content to a specific demographic, psychographic, and/or geographic audience to gain more relevant traffic

Technical SEO: website and server optimisations that assist search engine spiders in more effectively crawling and indexing your site and improving its organic rankings

Time on Page: the amount of time spent on a single page by all website visitors, excluding exit pages and bounces

Title Tag: an HTML element that clearly defines a web page’s title

Top of Funnel Marketing: activities that are undertaken to raise awareness of a brand or product

Touchpoint: any point of engagement with an existing customer or a potential customer at any stage of their journey

Tracking Codes: a small snippet of code, typically implemented as JavaScript in a website’s HTML source code, that enables advertisers, webmasters, and marketers to analyse the flow of visitors to websites as well as user activities

Trick Banner: an ad designed to look like an operating system or an important software error message that tricks people into clicking on it

Trigger: a marketing technique that automatically sends a message to potential or actual customers during the customer journey, such as after a specific event

TruView: a YouTube video ad format that allows viewers to skip the advertisement after five seconds

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘U’

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): the unique address for a page or digital content

Unique Value Proposition: a concise and refined statement that conveys the worth of your product or service to a prospective customer

Unique Visitor: a person who has visited the website at least once and is only counted once during the reporting period

Usability: a quality characteristic that defines how simple it is to use a user interface or a web page

User Experience (UX): a quality attribute that measures how users engage with a web interface

User Interface (UI): the process that designers use to create interfaces in software or computerised devices that are visually appealing, interactive, and usable

UTM Code: stands for Urchin Tracking Module code, are text snippets added to the end of a URL to assist you in tracking where website traffic originates if users click a link to this URL

UTM Parameters: are URL tags that you can add. When a user clicks the link, these tags enable Google Analytics to track information about them

utm_id: a unique identifier you simply add to your tracking URLs of a campaign

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘V’

Value Proposition: the ultimate overarching offering you provide to your customers that adds value to their lives

Video Marketing: the use of videos to endorse and market your product or service, increase engagement on digital and social channels, inform your customers, and reach out to a new audience

View-Through Conversion: determines how many people saw your ad on the Google Display Network but did not click on it

View-Through Conversion Window: the time after an impression when a view-through conversion will be recorded

Viral Content: material that spreads quickly online through website links and social sharing, such as an article, an image, or a video

Viral Marketing: a sales technique in which organic or word-of-mouth information about a product or service spreads at an exponential rate

Vlog: a blog that published video content

Voice Search: a speech recognition technology that enables users to search by speaking terms rather than typing them into a search field

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘W’

Web Browser: also called a browser, is a piece of software that allows you to access websites

Web Design: the process of creating a website

Web Directory: a collection of websites that have been organised to make navigation easier

Web Hosting: the process of renting and purchasing space on the World Wide Web

Webinars: an online seminar that promotes goods and services, raises brand awareness, and entertains and educates your audience

Website Analytics: gathering, measuring, and analysing data obtained from various internet platforms to better understand user behaviour

Website Traffic: also called session, is web users who visit your website

Website Usability: describes how easily visitors can find the information they are looking for on your website

White Hat SEO: the set of approved SEO tactics used to improve a website’s ranking on a SERP

Whitepaper: a detailed, persuasive report on a particular subject that presents a problem and offers a solution

WHOIS: a web service and utility that displays additional information about a domain, its registrar, and its IP address. It is especially helpful when thinking of a new domain name for a new website as it lets you know if the name is registered or available

Wireframe: a schematic representation of a web page, which includes its content and behaviour but excludes its graphic elements

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: a strategy that aims to create organic dialogue and recommendations about a product or company

Workflow: an organisational tool that consists of a simple series of steps to develop a digital marketing campaign or project

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘X’

XML Sitemap: a document that lists all pages of a website to provide search engines with a comprehensive overview of all available content

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘Y’

YMYL: a specific type of content that has the potential to influence a major financial or life decision

Yoast: a WordPress SEO plugin that provides benchmarks and standardizations to help you create content that will rank higher on Google and other search engines

Youtube Advertising: entails promoting video content on YouTube or in relevant search terms in Youtube Search

Digital marketing dictionary – Terms starting with ‘Z’

Zero Click Search: occurs when people conduct a Google search, get their information from the SERP, and do not click on a website

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): describes the shift in the consumer’s purchasing decision journey following the introduction of digital media

On a concluding note

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