When it comes to gauging the benefits of technology, nothing comes close to how social media has changed our lives. The very way we do things has changed such as consuming news, communicating with friends (and strangers), portraying ourselves, and earning a living.
We have all been listening to the cliche of how the internet has democratised the world and now everyone has the equal opportunity and freedom to earn money by just following their passion. But only recently, we have started to see what it actually means.
Social media has given the power to everyone who is willing to put in some effort and create engaging content to start earning money right from the comfort of their homes.
People have long been posting unique content like memes and their hot-takes on everything and anything on Twitter to gain followers. Now, Twitter is giving them an opportunity to accept money from their followers.
Twitter recently partnered with Paytm Payment Gateway to power its new feature of tipping content creators, which is very aptly called Tip Jar.
What is Twitter’s Tip Jar
The Tip Jar feature, which Twitter launched in India earlier this year, allows content creators to accept money from their followers. Twitter users will use Paytm Payment Gateway to process these payments.
Content creators on Twitter will have to activate the Tip Jar feature by adding their Paytm account on Twitter.

Before we get started with the steps on activating tips on Twitter, users must first ensure they have an active Paytm account. To create a Paytm account follow these simple steps:
- Download the Paytm app on your Android or Apple device. Alternatively, you can also log in to Paytm.com to get started
- Tap on the profile icon on your app and click on ‘Create a New Account’. Web users can click on Log in/Sign up button on Paytm.com
- Enter mobile number, email address, and a password to secure your account
- Click on ‘Create a New Account’. You will receive an OTP on your phone to confirm your number
- Enter the OTP and click on ‘Submit’
- Now you need to add your name and date of birth
- Click on ‘Create Account’
- Tada! Your Paytm account is ready
Merchants can register themselves with Paytm for Business at dashboard.paytm.com. They just need to create their Paytm account by following the above-mentioned steps and entering the Paytm account details – mobile number and password – to register for Paytm for Business.
Step-by-step guide on how to activate tips on Twitter
- Go to your profile and click on edit profile
- Scroll to the bottom and click on Tips. Agree to the terms and conditions
- On the next page switch on the “Allow Tips” toggle
- From payment options choose Paytm
- Add your phone number that’s connected with your Paytm account
- Click on Save
Once content creators follow these steps their profile page will show a new icon denoting currency notes next to the ‘Edit profile’ icon. Their followers can start tipping them by clicking on that icon and choosing Paytm as the payment mode.

Who can use Paytm to accept tips on Twitter
Any Twitter user can activate the tips feature. Unlike other social media platforms that require one to have a fixed number of followers for them to monetize, Twitter doesn’t have any such limitations. This gives a huge advantage to social media influencers who regularly post quality content on Twitter and have a huge following.
A report on global influencer marketing said the market size will grow from USD 6 billion in 2020 to USD 24.1 billion by 2025.
Social media influencers on Twitter can use Paytm Payment Gateway to accept money from their followers.
In addition to tipping content creators for their funny memes or a moving story, the tipping feature comes in handy for following activities on Twitter as well:
- Spaces: There are thousands of audio-only conversations happening on Twitter every day. People who really like the discussion or even get to participate and learn from the audience and speakers can tip hosts using their Paytm account to show their support to the hosts of such Spaces.
- Fundraise: Very often people turn to Twitter to raise money for an immediate need from friends and social media followers. Paytm Payment Gateway has simplified this fundraising process on Twitter. By just enabling the tips feature people can start raising money for social or even personal causes, such as medical emergencies.
- Super follow: This is a new tool that Twitter launched for influencers, which allows them to sell subscriptions of exclusive tweets and other content to their followers. Those who buy these subscriptions are called Super Followers. They can use their Paytm account to pay for these subscriptions on Twitter.
The partnership between Twitter and Paytm Payment Gateway will be quite useful for NGOs who are in need of donations for various causes. These accounts can just activate the tips mode and make it easier for donors to send them money with just one click from their Paytm account.
So, wait no more and activate Paytm-led tips on Twitter today.