QR Utility Store

Paytm now brings to you its very own merchandise store wherein you can find all sorts of accessories and utility items for your business. We have a plethora of products for your day to day business needs and that too at very reasonable prices.

All-In-One QR Accessories: 

Get your very own personalised All-in-One QR merchandise and accept payments in style.
Choose amongst a variety of options such as digital clocks, calculators, pen stands, etc and take your payment acceptance game up one notch. The vast assortment of products includes products that suit various business platforms like ID cards for delivery boys, stickers for retailers, clock tower for cashier desk and so on. Pick up the product of your choice and simply add to cart.

Benefits of Paytm All-in-One QR Accessories

  • Two in one solution for style and utility.
  • You don’t need to have multiple QRs at your counter – Paytm’s All-In-One QR is sufficient for accepting payments from all UPI apps, RuPay cards and Paytm wallet. This would simplify business for you.
  • Easy tracking and reconciliation – All-In-One QR allows you to track all transactions through Paytm for Business App.
  • Instant Bank settlement – With All-In-One QR, you can enjoy instant bank settlements, which allows you to transfer money to bank account at any point in time.

Utility Items for your Store

We offer a wide range of utility articles for your store which ranges from clocks, stationery items, sanitisers, masks and more. Feel free to add articles of your choice to your cart and simply have them delivered at your doorstep. 

Click here to order now.

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