How Can Customized Checkout Solutions Prove Revolutionary For Your Brand?

Customized Checkout Solutions

Checkout customization has become crucial for businesses to thrive today. While most business owners pour all their efforts into driving customers to make that valuable purchase, they forget to realize one thing — what happens when they do get there? What will galvanize consumers to checkout and make the final payment?

Take a moment to notice your behavior on e-commerce websites. How likely are you to opt for a cash on delivery option? How do you feel about typing in your credit card details every single time you buy something? And let us not even get into net banking. Recall your personal shopping experiences, and you will know how slow, inflexible, and time-consuming payment options can severely hamper your efforts to expand your business and sell more products and services. As a business, it is time to adapt to changing customer preferences and give them what they want, when they want and how they want it. That is why customized payment options are so critical for businesses today. It can either make or break your business.

Paytm’s checkout customization strategy

Before delving into the whys of customized solutions, let us look at how customization works. Paytm has mastered the art of customized checkout solutions. Everywhere you go, from e-commerce platforms to independent websites to even local shops, you will observe a Paytm payment option. Thanks to Paytm’s quick checkout process, more and more businesses are reaping the benefits. Customers simply need to make the payment through wallets, UPI, or a quick scan. Smart businesses that accept UPI payments have seen an increase in sales and customer satisfaction. No wonder Paytm has become the go-to solution for quick payments today.

How does Paytm do this?

Paytm uses an extremely powerful SDK to help users make payments. In simple terms, an SDK abbreviated for Software Development Kit is a set of software tools and algorithms that help website developers accelerate the payment process on any e-commerce platform or website that has a checkout option.

Paytm uses an all in one SDK, an easy to integrate, lightweight SDK that shows Paytm as an express checkout format within the merchant app. It shows up on your mobile device as a payment gateway option.

Paytm customization works in two ways:

  • If a user has the Paytm app installed, it takes them directly to the app
  • If a user does not have the app, it takes them to the default browser to make the payment

What happens next?

  • Customer adds good & services on merchant app and select Paytm as the payment method
  • Paytm app with express checkout view opens on Merchant App
  • The customer enters second factor authentication. For example, MPIN in the case of UPI, or OTP for card payments
  • The transaction is complete

Paytm provides a seamless experience by utilizing a user’s Paytm App session on the same device and eliminating the step requiring them to login with an OTP sent to their registered mobile number.

What are the benefits of customized checkout solutions for your brand?

Customized checkout solutions present several benefits to your brand. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Saves time:

A partner that supports customized checkout like Paytm will significantly reduce the amount of time your customers spend making a purchase. Today, customers check the payment options at the checkout window, before even deciding what to buy! If they notice a platform such as Paytm through which they can make payments through wallet, UPI, credit/debit card, or coupons, they will be more inclined to buy products from your website.

2. Ease of payment:

Robust customized solutions like the ones offered by Paytm reduce the number of steps involved in buying something. If a customer likes something, all they need to do is add the item to their cart, checkout, and place their orders with just two thumb-taps. Customized payment solutions are all about speed and convenience. The data is processed in real-time, making it all the more convenient for both merchants and users.

3. Stores saved instruments:

A customized checkout solution reduces transaction time for saved instruments. For example, if you have entered debit card details for a prior transaction, they will be saved for all future transactions. Furthermore, you do not have to log in every time you make a transaction.

4. Supports UPI:

Customized checkout solutions that support UPI payments take convenient payment methods one step further. UPIs are extremely popular in India today. By allowing your customers to make UPI payments, you are not only making the shopping experience super-fast for them, but you will also observe a higher retention rate and a higher influx of new users for your business.

5. Safe transactions:

Transactions through platforms such as Paytm are highly safe because Paytm uses high-end encryption software to eliminate any intrusion by both merchants and users. Customers trust Paytm because it is backed by highly secure technology.

6. Cost-free transactions:

Custom checkout solutions enable cost-free transactions between you and your customers. Paytm does not charge any fee for any transaction made on its platform. As long as you have a Paytm business account, you are free from all transaction costs.

7. Easy tracking and refund:

Paytm’s checkout solutions enable you to track your transactions in real-time and even initiate refunds very quickly.

8. Hidden benefits:

Other lesser-known benefits of using a customized checkout solution by Paytm include:

  • You do not have to reveal your mobile number on your website
  • No taxes and hidden charges
  • You can receive rewards up to Rs. 1 lakh a day

Why Paytm?

If you want to get on board with customized checkout solutions Paytm is the best platform to choose.

  • No other payment aggregator in the market offers such a wide range of internal and external payment options, including wallet, bank transfer, saved cards, postpaid, UPI, etc.
  • Paytm allows the maximum number of saved cards to be stored in the customer repository. Saved cards functionality is known to improve payment success rate by 6–8%
  • Paytm offers app-based updates on the payment gateway page so that merchants do not have to upgrade the SDK (only one-time integration required). This is unique to Paytm.
  • Paytm is the only payment aggregator that supports the bottom sheet view in Android so that the user experience is smooth, and the flow does not appear to be switching apps on the user’s device.
  • Paytm Supports UPI
  • Supports UPI push where the customer can enter the UPI PIN during transaction flow without switching apps
  • Supports UPI onboarding during transaction flow
  • Supports UPI intent flow and also allows you access to a 100Mn+ saved VPA repository of Paytm. These are all configurable features that can be enabled based on your business requirements.
  • Can also be integrated into your Subscription Payment model
  • Offers support for hybrid apps, including Ionic, Flutter, Xamarin, and React Native.

Customized payment solutions have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers online. They are not just limited to large platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart but can be a part of any business, big or small. If you have a small business, online shop, e-commerce website, or you are a freelancer or run an independent business, a customized payment solution by Paytm will help you attract more business and form long term relationships with them. It is time to leverage safe, convenient, and quick solutions to help your users take the leap from cart to checkout.

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